The National Toshaos Council (NTC) of Guyana is pleased to announce the contracting of a consultant to lead the development of Draft Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) Guidelines for Stakeholder Engagement with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs).
This consultancy will implement Phase 1 of a critical project aimed at establishing a comprehensive framework to ensure meaningful engagement with IPLCs in alignment with national policies and international best practices.
The consultancy will focus on mapping the processes required to adhere to FPIC principles as agreed upon by IPLCs and enshrined in national strategies, including the Constitution of Guyana and the Amerindian Act of 2006. These efforts will also draw on global standards, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, and other human rights frameworks.
The consultancy will be carried out under the overall supervision of the NTC and an FPIC Working Group, which includes representatives from the NTC, government agencies, and Indigenous NGOs. The consultant will employ a multi-pronged approach, including desk reviews, workshops, and other stakeholder engagements, to identify best practices and develop acceptable procedures for effective engagement with IPLCs throughout the life cycle of projects, plans, or initiatives.
Phase 1 Objectives
The initial phase of this consultancy will focus on conducting a comprehensive desk review of existing literature and case studies on the application of FPIC principles in Guyana. Based on these findings, a draft FPIC guideline document will be prepared for circulation among stakeholders. The draft will serve as a starting point for discussions and will be presented for input and feedback at the upcoming Annual NTC Conference 2025.
Phase 2 Objectives
Pending the availability of resources and the advice of Toshaos at the NTC Conference in 2025, a nationwide IPLC consultation on the draft FPIC Guideline will be conducted. Inputs, comments, and feedback will be incorporated into the Guideline, approved by the next NTC Conference, and presented to the Government for endorsement.
Ensuring Collaboration and Transparency
The NTC and members of the FPIC Working Group will play a key role in the development of the FPIC guidelines, ensuring full collaboration and integration of Indigenous perspectives. The development process is designed to be inclusive and transparent, reflecting the voices of IPLCs at every stage. By combining local expertise with national and international best practices, the resulting guidelines aim to promote equitable, respectful, and culturally appropriate stakeholder engagement.
Why FPIC Matters
The principle of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent is central to protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities by ensuring their full and informed participation in decisions affecting their lands, resources, and cultural heritage. The FPIC guidelines will serve as a critical tool for aligning stakeholder engagement practices with these principles, fostering trust, respect, and collaboration between IPLCs and external stakeholders. The NTC is committed to ensuring the successful completion of this project and looks forward to the active participation of all stakeholders in the process. Together, we can establish a framework that upholds the rights and dignity of Guyana’s Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.