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NPTAB addresses Stabroek News article

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The National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) has noted the article titled “GDF $2.1b Wharf Contract Improperly awarded to Kares” dated June 23rd, 2024 in the Stabroek News and wishes to highlight the following:

The Guyana Defence Force advertised for the construction of a Coast Guard reinforced concrete wharf at Ruimveldt and bids were received via public tendering in November 2023. Subsequently bids were evaluated by an independent evaluation committee. The evaluators recommended the lowest responsive bidder and an award was made in December 2023. The contract award for the aforementioned project was published in January 2024 and the Government of Guyana entered into a contract in February 2024, with the bidder who submitted the lowest evaluated bid, which is also the lowest overall bid.

In March 2024, Correia & Correia Ltd. Submitted a request for review citing “Any bidder whose bid is less than 80 percent of the engineers estimate will be non-responsive”. It must be noted that this Engineers Estimate was never published or given to the bidders prior to the opening of bids.

It must be noted that the criteria cited was discontinued years ago and is not included in the numbered criteria in the approved Standard Bidding Document. Further, any modifications to the criteria in the Standard Bidding Document require prior approval from NPTAB in accordance with Section 23 (3) of the Procurement Act 2003. Additionally, please be advised that the complaint does not align with Section 52 of the Procurement Act 2003.

The NPTAB reaffirms its commitment to transparency, fairness and accountability. Maintaining public trust and upholding procurement integrity are of utmost importance and NPTAB remains dedicated to fulfillment of these responsibilities.

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