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Water tank distribution continues along Soesdyke-Linden Highway

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– 94 Adventure residents gain easier access to water  

The government is steadily progressing in its commitment to improving the livelihoods of residents on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway.

On Saturday, 94 families from Adventure gained easier access to water when the government distributed black water tanks to the community.

Some residents receiving their tanks

Some residents receiving their tanks

Some residents receiving their tanks

Some residents receiving their tanks

Minister within the office of the prime minister with responsibility for Public Affairs Kwame McCoy spearheaded the distribution exercise and engaged with residents to address their concerns.

The tanks, each with a capacity of 450 gallons, will allow households to store clean water for daily use.

The tanks that were distributed

The Department of Public Information (DPI) spoke with residents and capture their immense joy during a moment they described as a “blessing”.

Patricia Williams, a loving grandmother, explained how her new tank will benefit her family saying “Sometimes we can’t reach by the creek to catch rainwater to wash the children’s school clothes…so I feel glad and thankful.”

Patricia Williams

Like Patricia, many other residents experienced similar plights collecting rainwater or travelling gruelling distances to access creek water during the dry season.

However, with the distribution of these tanks, these residents will be able to enjoy easy and free access to stored water.

Some residents like Mozart Aldophus and Winston Apple told DPI how they will utilise their tanks to boost their agricultural activities and generate wealth.

Mozart Aldophus

“Now I’m going to plant some nice six weeks crops and make some money…They [the government] gave us things that we could work…and get money.” Winston said with a satisfied expression.

Winston Apple

An atmosphere of happiness prevailed in the community as residents, some for the first time, received assistance to ease their burdens.

In light of the upcoming national transformation, Minister McCoy assured residents that their community is, and will remain, a priority for the government.

Minister within the office of the prime minister with responsibility for Public Affairs Kwame McCoy spearheading the exercise

“In the next three years, you will see great advancement, and you’ve already been able to see the signs…You will have more factories, companies, housing schemes. We’re going to be establishing housing schemes on the Highway, gas station, golf course, a whole host of things as part of our Highway Development Plan,” Minister McCoy said.

Minister within the office of the prime minister with responsibility for Public Affairs Kwame McCoy speaking to residents.

He continued “this corridor along the Soesdyke/Linden highway is an important corridor. Your moment and most glorious moments are fast ahead.” As the distribution continues to advance, more residents along the east bank corridor will soon receive their tanks, benefitting from a fulfilled government promise and experiencing better access to water.

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